Residential Landscaping Impacts

The things you do on your lawn have an impact on your watershed. What, where, and how you garden matter for water quality and aquatic health. Learn how you can implement watershed-friendly gardening tips!

Use Watershed-Friendly Landscaping Practices

Apply fertilizers and pesticides sparingly. Fertilizers contain nutrients that can cause algal growth, and pesticides and herbicides can contain toxins that are harmful to aquatic life. When use is necessary, do not exceed recommended amounts. Extra fertilizers and pesticides applied to lawns and gardens wash off and pollute local waterways.

Be mindful of your water use and adopt practices to conserve water. Water is a precious resource that needs to be conserved. Here are some tips to help you use less water in your garden:

  1. Water when the temperature is cool to prevent water loss from evaporation.
  2. Plant drought-tolerant, native plants that naturally need less water
  3. Use mulch to maintain soil moisture and driplines to target watering to specific plants.Use a “step-test” to determine when your lawn needs watered.
  4. Repair and maintain spigots, hoses, and sprinklers to prevent water loss from leaks.

Use a diversity of plants in your garden. Pollinators such as insects and birds require a food source throughout the year, so use plants with different bloom times in your garden. Having diverse plant types—including trees, shrubs, and grasses—mimics the natural environment and can provide habitat for pollinators and small wildlife.

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